Road trips are an everyday part of life for Ron Yaroslawsky and the Co-op Equip Team in Wetaskiwin, Alta.
The team keeps busy travelling throughout central Alberta, where they work closely with producers to design and build effective grain storage and handling systems.
Each day is as different as the farm they’re visiting and the equipment they’re working with – a preliminary consultation one day, a conveyor delivery the next and a follow-up visit the day after that with a farm that just wrapped up a significant expansion to its bin yard.
“We really noticed that there was a gap in the service levels farmers had on the equipment side, and we are working hard to change that,” said Yaroslawsky.
“When we sell big ticket items, we show our customer how to operate it and make sure that everything is good before we leave.”
Not only will your Equip Team show you how to use the products, but they can also help you decide what product is the best fit for your farm. When it comes to bins, Ron and the rest of the Equip Team can help ensure that you have what it needs to be successful.
All about bins
Work smarter, not harder
While growers often have the same goals – to expand storage while improving on-farm efficiency – the solutions that get them there vary, which is why consultations are important.
For every site, Yaroslawsky helps producers assess their existing number of acres and storage capacity, as well as their goals for the future.
How many acres are being farmed today? How many will be farmed in five years? How will that grain be stored, moved, conditioned and monitored?
All of these factors – and more – will determine the equipment and layout that’s right for the farm. Before a grower commits to a plan, Yaroslawsky will ensure the grower has examined every consideration, including truck-turning radiuses, power availability, lighting, security, safety and room for future expansion.
“We have those open discussions for good reasons. We don’t want to do all of this work and five years down the road find that you’re bottlenecked and can’t add on or that truckers can’t get in and turn around,” said Yaroslawsky.
Aeration or grain drying?
Yaroslawsky recommends having some sort of aeration bin on the farm at all times to move product in the event of weather or that something goes wrong in another bin.
“When you have aeration and drying equipment, you’re harvesting earlier. You can take it off a little wetter and a little greener. If the weather is turning on you, but you know you can dry it down, then you’re going today, rather than growers who don’t have that flexibility.”
Smoothwall or galvanized?
This is another frequent conversation Yaroslawsky has with customers, to which he asks how long will they farm and do they need long-term or temporary storage.
“Per bushel, smoothwall bins are generally more expensive than regular galvanized bins. But they retain their value, and they’re easy to move,” he said. “As far as product storage, you get total cleanout with a smoothwall as well as more bells and whistles.”
If customers are going to use financing, he added, they might as well lease the top-dollar bin. The difference in payment between galvanized and smoothwall can be very small.
Big Bins Just Got Bigger
Co-op continues to expand its portfolio of storage solutions to help farmers with efficiency and reliability. A partnership with Regina’s Corr Grain Systems Inc. means our customers have greater bin options than ever before, especially when it comes to large-diameter bins that have the capacity to hold anywhere from 25,000 to 65,000 bushels.
Reach out to your local Co-op Equip Team member to discuss how large flat-bottom bins could lower your storage investment per bushel and reduce labour, especially during harvest.